you will find a wonderful selection of exquisite and truly unique
eggs. These are actual eggs that are covered in a hardened thin
layer of colored polymer clays.
The egg can vary in size from the very tiny button quail egg to the
large goose eggs, with prices starting as low as $20, and many designs and patterns to choose from.
Larger eggs or
specialty items are available upon special request.
These eggs make wonderful gifts, window or desktop ornaments, tree or
hanging ornaments. Through the centuries eggs have come to symbolize the
cycle of rebirth and regeneration. They have played a role in
many cultures
throughout the world. With more notable roles as
having been given as gifts to express ones love, used as lucky
charms, deemed to posses magical powers, and even planted in the
ground to guarantee a good harvest. We
are not proclaiming that our eggs have any lucky, magical, or
fertility qualities. Quite simply these are one of a kind works of
art. |